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Principală » 2011 » Decembrie » 19 » Machine Gun Preacher (2011) Misionarul războinic
4:37 PM
Machine Gun Preacher (2011) Misionarul războinic
Inspirat dintr-o poveste reala, Machine Gun Preacher prezinta povestea vietii lui Sam Childers (Gerad Butler), un fost traficant de droguri, care decide sa lase in urma viata tumultoasa pe care o avea si pleaca intr-o calatorie in estul Africii. Barbatul simte ca este momentul sa descopere ceva in care sa creada, pentru a-si schimba viata.
In momentul in care ajunge in Sudan, Childers este impresionat de lumea dezolanta din acea zona si mai ales de copiii antrenati sa fie soldati. Astfel, barbatul decide sa construiasca un refugiu pentru cei mici, chiar daca asta inseamna sa isi faca singur legea si sa puna mana pe arma.
Categorie: Acţiune | Vizualizări: 9363 | Adăugat de: defaultNick | Tag-uri: download Machine Gun Preacher (2, online Machine Gun Preacher (2011) , subtitrare Machine Gun Preacher (20 | Rating: 4.7/29
Total comentarii : 3
* Data(Ora) 2012-03-08, 10:04 AM[Film]       0  
Hey! Just stumbled upon your blog today! I'm a 20-year-old olah csdhaaha from Florida and I actually just drafted at the beginning of this year. It's hilarious to read your blog and also refreshing to know that i'm not the only one who has been wondering why israelis feel the need to complain sooooo much haha. I have a couple of friends who are in golani, drafted last year though. Good luck with everything!
* Data(Ora) 2012-03-06, 8:37 PM[Film]       0  
i love the tavor. most all of the guys in my unit know nothing about guns, and all they talk about is the m4 "flat top." "oh the flat top is so sick!" they just like the way it looks. in all aicualtty, i have the "flat top" tavor - a picatin rail for putting on the 4x trijicon acog.they're dumb and the tavor is awesome. it's a perfect battle rifle.for example, i own an m16 in america, and even though i keep it very clean, i get jams all the time. it's a jammy gun. my tavor, in 7 months of HARDCORE use, probably thousands of rounds shot, has had ZERO jams.zero.
* Data(Ora) 2011-12-29, 11:25 PM[Film]       1  
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