Loach ia în colimator războiul din Irak: spune povestea conducătorului unei firme de pază şi protecţie care hotărăşte să afle adevărul în cazul morţii unui prieten, într-unul din locurile fierbinţi ale ţării.
First: Hash Shut up."Are conservative Irish- Americans, iiudclnng Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and even your Radio Equalizer, betraying their own ancestors by "straying" from a "true Irish" set of political beliefs?"As someone who actually possesses passports from both Eire and the USA, I can sit, happy and smuggy, assured that not one of the three people listed above has even a remote idea what "being Irish" means.Being in Boston makes you just as likely "Tony from the Southie" as a mick, Maloney.